514-742-7568 What are the different types of formwork?

What are the different types of formwork?

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  • Groupe GEMCO
  • December 26 2022

Formwork is a technique used in construction to create temporary molds that support fresh concrete until it hardens and reaches its final strength. Formwork is essential to guarantee the quality and safety of concreting works.

The different types of formwork in Quebec

wooden formwork

This is the most common type of formwork. It is easy to install, inexpensive and can be reused many times. Form boards are often made of pine, fir or spruce.

Advantages: low costs, easy to work with basic tools, possibility of customizing the shape and size of forms, available at hardware stores

Disadvantages: wood can warp over time and changes in temperature, wood can absorb moisture, which can lead to mold and premature deterioration, the quality of wooden formwork can vary depending on the type of wood used

Metal formwork

This type of formwork is often used for large construction projects. It is more expensive than wooden formwork but offers greater strength and can be used for larger projects.

Advantages: strong and durable, reusable for several projects, can support heavier loads than wooden formwork, steel formwork panels are easy to handle

Cons: higher costs than wood formwork, may require specialized tools to work with steel formwork panels, steel formwork panels can rust if not properly maintained

Precast concrete formwork

This type of formwork consists of precast concrete panels that are assembled at the construction site. It is more expensive than wood or metal formwork, but it is faster to install and offers great strength. This type of formwork is often used for large-scale projects such as bridges and tunnels.

Advantages: durable and resistant, can be used for large projects, no need to build formwork on site, can be designed to adapt to complex shapes

Disadvantages: high costs, transportation of concrete formwork panels can be difficult, may require cranes and other heavy equipment for installation

Climbing formwork

Climbing forms are used for high-rise projects. They are built on moving platforms and are raised as the concrete is poured. Climbing forms are used for structures such as towers, bridges and retaining walls.

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