514-742-7568 Everything you need to know about earthworks

Everything you need to know about earthworks

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  • Groupe GEMCO
  • December 26 2022

Earthmoving is one of the first steps in any construction project. It is about all the operations which make it possible to prepare the ground for the construction of buildings, roads, drains, or other works. Earthworks consist of leveling, excavation, clearing, backfilling and earth removal operations

Backfilling in earthworks

Backfilling is an operation that consists of filling an excavated area with soil or fill materials. Backfilling is often necessary to create even ground levels or to support the foundations of buildings or roads. Backfilling can be done manually or using specialized equipment.

The removal and disposal of soil in earthworks

This process often involves the use of dump trucks to transport materials over long distances, or the use of conveyors to move materials over short distances.

In addition to this equipment, earthworks may also require the use of hand tools such as shovels, pickaxes and wheelbarrows to perform smaller and more delicate tasks.

Different earthworks

The soil study

Prior to construction, a soil survey is usually carried out to determine the composition and characteristics of the soil at the construction site. This step is important because it ensures that the land is suitable for construction and that the foundations will be solid. In Quebec, soil studies are regulated by the Quebec Construction Code.

Land preparation

This involves setting up the necessary equipment and materials to prepare the land for construction. In Quebec, this step may include the removal of vegetation, the demarcation of the construction perimeter and the installation of site fences.


This is the removal of soil and materials that are not needed for construction. This step is important because it sets the stage for the following steps.

Water drainage

This involves setting up the necessary drainage systems to evacuate rain and surface water from the construction site.


This is the removal of the top layer of soil to allow the construction of the foundations.

Excavations and trenches

This involves carrying out the necessary excavations for the construction of foundations and basements.


This involves setting up the water, electricity and gas networks necessary for the operation of the building or infrastructure.

Laying a geotextile film

This involves placing a protective layer under the concrete slab to prevent water from seeping into the foundation.

Land leveling in earthworks

Land leveling is one of the most common types of earthworks. This is the operation of adjusting the surface of the ground to make it flat and uniform. Land leveling can be done using an excavator, a bulldozer, or other specialized equipment.

Need an expert in excavation work? Contact us!