514-742-7568 What is the lifespan of concrete?

What is the lifespan of concrete?

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  • Groupe GEMCO
  • December 26 2022

Concrete is a strong, durable and widely used building material in the construction industry. However, it is not eternal and can suffer damage over time. In this article, we will examine the limited life of concrete and the main causes of deterioration.

The main deteriorations of concrete

  • Carbonation
  • Water infiltration
  • Damage caused by freezing and thawing
  • Mechanical constraints
  • Chemical reactions

Inspection techniques include the use of radiography, tomography, electromagnetics and thermography.

Identify the condition of the concrete

It is important to identify the condition of the concrete to determine if repairs or maintenance work is necessary.

The first step is the visual inspection. This inspection can detect cracks, deformations, discolorations and differences in texture. It is also possible to measure the thickness of the concrete to detect any anomalies.

Using measuring devices such as ultrasonic scanners or radar can also help identify the condition of the concrete. These tools make it possible to detect the presence of cracks, to measure the thickness of the concrete and to locate the reinforcements.

Laboratory tests can also be carried out on concrete samples taken from the site. These tests measure the compressive strength of concrete, porosity and other characteristics.

Ultimately, identifying the condition of concrete is an important step in ensuring the safety and durability of concrete structures. Once the condition of the concrete has been identified, steps can be taken to repair or replace it if necessary, thus preventing more serious and costly damage.